Monday, February 8, 2010

Hello stranger

I was sitting in Albert Park today, watching people pass by.
I’ve always been:

a) A bit of a creepy starer

b) Really interested in people.

I think it’s because we’re all so different. 
There is no one else quite like you, because life is entirely yours. 
But then – if it’s all down to choices – why can’t we all be the people we want to be?

I love that we’re not. Limitations are great, they make us want to overcome them and do more. If we all had everything we wanted, there’d be no drive.

Some say that everything we are as adults can be traced back to childhood, which, in a lot of ways, is true. When I have a family, for example, I want to have dinner every night around the table; because my family did and I think it made us closer. But what about all those oddities with no traceable source? I hate cold foods – refrigerated savoury meals. Coleslaw and potato salad are at the top of my list. Why? I don’t recall ever being subjected to them at Granny’s or overindulging to the point where foreverafter even the smell of mayonnaise made me want to vomit. This isn't revealing stuff, I just love individual eccentricities.

We’re not all aliens though, there are common threads which bind us. If I had to think of a common characteristic in all the people that I admire it’d be a little bit of stress. Not in the debilitating, nail biting, everything-in-a-snappy-tone way. Just in the sense that some people have an urgency about them, which propels them to do as much as they can in the time they have. Maybe I should stop ranting (and start stressing).

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