Saturday, March 27, 2010

Salty skin II

I watched a documentary called The Cove a few nights ago, about the annual slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, Japan. It's really about more than just that, and definitely worth watching. But be prepared to get gripped by - the world has so many problems - anxiety, which I get pretty regularly when thinking about war, politics, poverty, or just where all our rubbish goes. Anyway, because The Cove is all about the abuse and exploitation of animals, I was inspired write an update on my earlier post about the meat/no meat conundrum.

Basically, I became a vegetarian, and have been for about three months now.  It's been surprisingly easy, I crave meat now and then but that's balanced by the fact that I've generally become a more exciting eater. The restaurant experience is completely different: I used to head straight for the chicken (even kebabs), yip - a poultry loyalist. But now, my options are whittled down to a teeny tiny list most of the time, which is great, there's no fussing about and everything's usually delicious. Or in some cases (Bouchon, Soto) I just order the one thing on the menu I can.

Cooking at home's become a little more creative too. I've tried and tested a whole lot of different meals and food, some good: marinated tofu. Some not: vegetarian burger patties (taste like earth). 

And of course, like every change, it has it's challenges:
-Trying not to get too defensive or too preachy when quizzed on it.
-Feeling guilty about still loving leather
-Wondering whether your friends are disappointed when you present them with a vegetarian dinner.
But at the end of the day, getting your meal served first on a long distance flight - can't argue with that.

1 comment:

  1. Totally with you on the guilt/satisfaction with vegetarianism -when I first went veg I was really strict not having gelatine, effectively banishing a lot of yohurts and cream cheeses - but then skipped around the whole wearing leather (no other suitable good quality shoe materials!) and the cheese/rennet thing (just too hard to have vegetarian cheese ALL the time). Argh! It's hard to draw the line. PS have also seen The Cove and yes it doesn't help with World Consciousness Anxiety. I recommend not watching any PETA videos for that exact reason, especially ones about fur farming...yeuch...not that I ever agreed with it anyway, but I have been put off fur for life.
